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Do you want to download a song from SoundCloud to your device for offline listening? If so, there's an official way to save music tracks from this site, and we'll show you how to use it.
Limitations of Downloading Songs on SoundCloud
Not every song on SoundCloud is downloadable. You can only download the songs whose creators have made those songs downloadable.
Also, you can't perform this download process on a mobile device. You must use a Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook computer to save songs from SoundCloud. Additionally, downloading songs requires you to sign in to your SoundCloud account.
Download Songs From SoundCloud to Your Computer
To start the download process, first, open a web browser on your Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook computer and launch the SoundCloud site. Then log in to your SoundCloud account.
When you are logged in, at the top of the SoundCloud site, click the "Search" field.
In the "Search" field, type the name of the song you want to download and press Enter.
From the search results that appear, find the song to download. Then, beneath the song, click the More > Download File option.
If you don't see the "Download File" option, you can't download that specific song. This is because the creator doesn't allow that song to be downloaded.
Your computer's standard save window will open. In our example images, we're using Mac. Here, click the "Save As" box and type a name for your song. Choose a folder to save your song in. Then, at the bottom of the window, click "Save."
And your chosen SoundCloud song is saved to your computer.
You can now convert this downloaded song to another format, transfer it to your Android phone, or add it to Apple Music for on-the-go listening.
Besides SoundCloud, there are several other sites where you can legally download music for free. Check them out if you're interested.